The Bruges Communiqué recognises competent teachers and trainers in vocational education and training as key actors for high quality initial and continuing education. Their professional development in the field of VET is really important to provide VET learners with the necessary skills and competences for better job and career opportunities.
One of the most innovative methods in VET is work-based learning, through which learners reinforce their competences and acquire skills in real-life work experiences, implemented through internships and apprenticeships. To effectively organise work-based learning in a digital environment, VET educators need to acquire more specialised knowledge and skills.
One of the most innovative methods in VET is work-based learning, through which learners reinforce their competences and acquire skills in real-life work experiences, implemented through internships and apprenticeships. To effectively organise work-based learning in a digital environment, VET educators need to acquire more specialised knowledge and skills.
Support the professional development of VET educators to ensure high quality education for VET learners, as well as to meet their demands in today’s society.
Strengthen the competences of VET educators to be able to integrate their curriculum with the workplace and to adjust this learning strategy to a digital environment, with the ultimate aim of developing the employability of their learners.
Educators (including teachers and trainers) working in the field of VET.
VET institutions
SMEs involved in work-based learning
SMEs involved in work-based learning
Decision-makers in the field of VET
“Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.”
Project No. 2022‐2‐ES01‐KA210‐VET‐000096341
Project No.